

Home (feat. Sebastian Spörker)



Über die Band

The Austrian electronic music duo with the mysterious name. If you’re looking for beautiful synthesizer sounds, reveling drums or obliterating bass lines, look no more: 04/05 aka Max and Valentin make music for its own sake and produce beats that will make you dance even if you don’t want to. Their numerous but all too rare live-shows and DJ-sets in notable Viennese clubs like Prime, Fluc, Loft and MQ were well-received by critics and their performance was compared to a gap year experience by one fan: “Great fun, fantastic people, but altogether went by too quickly.”

Verhältnis zur Uni Wien

Ich (Valentin Bauer) bin gerade im 4. Semester Soziologie(Uni Wien). Mein Bandkollege (Max Graf) im 6. Semester Medieninformatik an der TU Wien.